Springtime In Surrey

Vulnerability Deepens Ones Faith

by Andrea Renee Cox

“She sees too deeply.”

~ from The Cottage on the Hill by Andrea Renee Cox, published in Springtime in Surrey

In The Cottage on the Hill, Moira Wood is selective in whom she confides. She suffered a career-ending injury, and when Cottage opens, she’s struggling to come to terms with that. It’s especially difficult for her to open up to just anybody, because she feels more vulnerable than ever before. 

Vulnerability isn’t easy for me either. I don’t like sharing deep things of my heart with just anybody. If I’m going to share, it has to be with someone who makes me feel safe. Yet, God often nudges me to share details of my life with people I don’t know well! In those moments, I lean into His wisdom and trust Him, then dive into the telling. Usually, I’m pleasantly surprised in how the other person or people react, and we enjoy a mutual moment of vulnerability in which we both find solid footing to shore up our confidence and encouragement to make it through the rest of the day.

Being vulnerable deepens my faith. When I open up to God about the things dearest to my heart, I learn more about how deeply He loves me. He always treats my cares and concerns with tender love. He forgives me when I slip up and make mistakes. When I stray, He guides me back onto the correct path. Every step of the way, I gain confidence in my faith journey, because He shows me every time that I am completely safe with Him. His encouragement, lovingkindness, and mercy wrap me in the best sort of embrace: one of total acceptance.

That is, after all, what my vulnerability craves the most.


I invite you to give The Cottage on the Hill a read to discover if Moira finds someone with whom she may be vulnerable about the cares of her heart. Purchase and review links may be found on the Books page of my website. 

There is currently a blog tour and giveaway of Springtime in Surrey (which contains Cottage and seven other stories set in County Surrey, England) over on Celebrate Lit. Be sure you get your name in the mix for the prize package that includes a paperback copy of Springtime in Surrey and a $100 gift card for Amazon. The tour and giveaway are April 5–8, 2024.

Please visit my website, where you may follow my blog and/or subscribe to my newsletter. I also host writing camps and challenges throughout the year; information may be found on the Write In Faith Camp and 500 Words of March menu options on my site.


About the Author:

Born and raised in north Texas, Andrea Renee Cox is a born-again child of God who enjoys writing stories that inspire, copyediting fiction manuscripts, tutoring middle school students, and going on road trips with her family. Whether she’s working on historical or contemporary, women’s fiction or romance, she uses her skills in research and writing techniques—as well as a large dose of prayer and guidance from God—at every turn in the journey to produce the best story of her ability every single time. Her books may be found on her website, and readers are welcome to follow her blog and subscribe to her newsletter for the latest updates in her journey.


Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/andreareneecox

Blog: https://andreareneecox.com/blog/

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/andrea-renee-cox

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/andreacox

Newsletter: https://andreareneecox.com/newsletter/

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/andreareneecoxauthor/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/screenwriter87

Website: https://andreareneecox.com


  1. Replies
    1. You're welcome! Thank you for giving us all a taste of your work!


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