The Azure Bottle: Chapter 4

Chapter 4

    Thyra tensely watched as Arne looked over his lists. The king, who’d announced nearly a week ago that he’d be joining the company, had just sent Arne the information of who would be traveling with him. Thyra whispered a silent prayer that she’d be on one of the ships, any of them. After the abysmal conversation in the council of the lords she’d basically given up, but, well something had continued to cling on the idea that she would sail. That she’d cross the seas.

    Her heart thrust itself against her ribs as she awaited the news. Please, please, please, she thought, please let me sail, please. Each second felt like an agonized eternity. When at last Arne set down his list, Thyra felt as if she was seconds from explosion. He sat down and leaned back on the brown sofa, she wasted no time in snatching up the paper.

    Her eyes scrolled down the list so quickly that she had to go back and reread. Her heart began to fall as her eyes neared the end of the neatly written lines. Her heart nearly stopped when she saw it at last. Her name scrawled at the bottom, the very last one. She nearly cried with relief.

    Turning to Arne, she gave no attempt to hide her growing smile. He forced a smile, it looked unnatural on his tired, careworn face. His cheeks didn’t dimple as they usually did, and eyes looked at her with grief.

    “Arne, what’s wrong?” Thyra questioned, setting down the letter and sitting opposite from him. He didn’t look up as he spoke.
    “Thyra, when I went on this voyage with your father I almost died, and now you’re coming…” his voice trailed off.

    Understanding washed over her. Arne was worried she would die. The moment the thought entered her mind it would not be deterred. She could be walking to her own death, as could Arne and the king. Memories passed through her mind of the last few days. Why would it matter if she died? It would be better to die on the sea than live miserably here. She sat up straighter, clenching her jaw.

    “I’m not afraid, Arne.” she said. He gave her another very forced smile, before rising to his feet and departing wordlessly. Thyra sat there, images of what could frighten a strong, brave sailor so terribly, brushing her mind.

    There was a knock on the door. Thyra shooed the thoughts from her mind and forced herself to her feet. She walked as if in a haze, her mind unwilling to surrender many of its fantasies. Pulling the door open, she hardly acknowledged the servant standing there. She stepped to the side allowing him in. Packages filled his arms as one of the house cooks bustled over and assisted him with the load.

    “What are these?” she demanded as she accepted a package.

    “Weapons, traveling clothes, ship outlines, maps, and more. The king wants this voyage to start as quickly as possible.”

    Thyra perked up, and again she found herself grinning. She was a sailor; she’d travel the sea. She instructed the servants to set the packages in the living room, then quickly set to digging through them.

    The weapons were the first thing that caught her eye. Using both hands, she lifted up a heavy bronze sword, and smiled at the glinting metal. Her reflection smiled back at her. She didn’t feel as ashamed of the girl she saw as she might have once.

    Setting down the sword, she picked up another package and saw sailor style clothes inside. She didn’t even try to resist the pressing urge to put the hat on. It was much too big for her and she guessed that it was for Arne. The scarlet, plum feather stuck out of the black leather of the hat, Thyra let her fingers drift along the soft edge.

    She discovered another bag of clothes that generally seemed far more feminine. She swiftly carried this one up to her room. Thyra was inspecting the boots when there was a heavy knock on the door.

    “Come in.” she called without breaking her gaze from the polished buckles. Arne’s red beard was the first thing to reveal itself as he strode into the room. He was holding a letter in one rough hand; the other toyed with the hem of an aged captain’s hat.

    “The king sent this,” he said, holding up the letter, “he says we’ll be leaving tomorrow, pack your things.”

    Thyra’s cheeks dimpled as Arne turned on his heel and vacated the room. Thyra picked up the package, too excited about the idea of sailing now to not try on her sailor’s garments. She hurried into the bathroom.

    She struggled with the buttons on her dress; she ended up missing a few, but had at least gotten enough that she was able to slide the black material over her head. She hurriedly pulled on a loose white dress that went down to her knees and fastened the thick brown belt loosely around her waist. Returning to the package she found an underbust corset made of chestnut shaded leather. She wrapped it around her torso and speedily did up the strings.

    She moved the boots to the side as she looked for anything she might have missed. She found a leather band and hurriedly fastened it around her forehead. She didn’t find anything else, so she set to the boots. They were a perfect fit and she was able to get them on easily. When on, they went up to her knees. A decorative belt was set around the ankles and silver buckles fastened in them.

    She sauntered over to the mirror and admired the image she made, then frowned. She undid the tight bun that held her hair up, letting her wavy blonde hair fall loosely to her shoulders. Setting a hand to her hip; she truly did look like a sailor.

    Hurrying from her room she rushed downstairs to where Arne was sitting in the living room, gathering up the packages he’d need. He looked up as she entered. Sighing, Arne tore his eyes from her, as if stricken with grief.

    “You’ll need a weapon in case there is ever a need.” he said as he reached a hand into one of the packs and pulled out a dagger and short sword. Both were sheathed and had leather bound handles. Thyra hurriedly accepted both. With Arne’s instruction she managed to buckle the sheath to her belt and slide her dagger into her boot. He nodded his approval.

    “At least that will keep you a little safer.” He picked up two more bags and prepared to leave. Thrya watched as he stomped his heavy boots, and exited.

    A joy, Thyra had almost forgotten existed, blossomed in her bosom. She was doing what her father had always loved, and she now understood the excitement he’d had. Facing unknown dangers and the sound of the sea, a bellowing song for adventure! She bounded from the room, too excited to be cooped up inside.

    She hurried off to the dock, the guards stared at her quizzically, but let her pass without question. Thyra didn’t feel the heavy weight of a valueless life; she felt like a little girl again, bounding over rocks, hurrying to the docks to see a ship. Only this time it wasn’t her father’s, and no one would be leaving her.

    She reached the stairwell and ran down the steps faster than was safe. There was more than one side long glance of confusion cast on her, but she hardly noticed them. Her breath caught, and she gasped as five elaborate vessels, that laid at rest, caught her eye. The king was standing nearby, surrounded by bodyguards. He was directing some sailors, and two lords stood off a ways looking in no small way displeased.

    Thyra couldn’t blame them. No one had the power to stop the king from going, and he would not be persuaded from it. She wasn’t sure anyone wanted him to go, least of all when the kingdom was at war. It seemed foolish that he would even consider leaving his people at such a time, but who was she to speak to the king about it? Arne had shut down conversation when she’d tried to talk to him of it. She wasn’t fully sure what was going on, but same as when she was in the council of the lords, she’d been able to feel that she was treading on ground that wasn’t for her use.

    She watched as the ships rocked from side to side, their beautiful bows bobbing at each touch from the gentle waves. A silent breeze brushed her hair from her face, letting the salt in the air waft over to her. She took a deep breath and smiled. She was at last leaving her place of grief, and she’d never have to come back.

. . . . .

    Thank you for reading CHAPTER 4!!!! Can you believe it! We're approaching the halfway point! Thank all especially my Alpha and Beta.
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  1. this was really good!! I have loved this story so far and I can't wait for chapter five!

  2. The suspense is building...

  3. Wow, I'm proud of you! 😊 Can't wait to see how the Lord uses this gift He has blessed you with to build His kingdom.


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